During this Vision Circle, Lard Friese, CEO at Aegon, will elaborate on the drivers for Aegon’s large-scale transformation. He will touch upon the overarching purpose of the company, its focused strategy and the changing operating model of the company with headquarters in the Netherlands, an international footprint with its largest business (Transamerica) based in the US, a global asset manager and businesses in Brazil, Spain and Portugal, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK, and a legal seat in Bermuda. He will also address the steps taken to strengthen the company’s risk profile, increase efficiency and operational performance and to emphasize sustainability. After the presentation, there is an opportunity for open discussions with Lard and the other participants. You are most welcome to join!
Lard Friese, Aegon
Lard Friese earned a Master of Law degree at the University of Utrecht. He has worked most of his professional career in the insurance industry, including ten years at Aegon between 1993 and 2003. He was employed by ING as from 2008, where he held various positions. In July 2014, upon the settlement of the Initial Public Offering of NN Group N.V., he became the CEO of NN Group. During his tenure at NN Group, he led a wide range of businesses in Europe and Asia and created a stable platform for growth and shareholder value.
He has extensive experience in the areas of insurance, investment management, customer centricity, mergers and acquisitions, and business transformation. Mr. Friese was appointed CEO Designate as of March 1, 2020 and has been appointed executive director of the Board until the end of the AGM to be held in 2024. Mr. Friese is CEO and Chairman of the Executive Committee of Aegon Ltd.
Mr. Friese is a member of the Supervisory Board of ASR Nederland N.V. and a member of the Supervisory Board of Pon Holdings B.V. (non-listed). Mr. Friese is also a member of the Board of Directors of The Geneva Association, the leading global think tank for the insurance industry.
With the finalization of the transaction to combine Aegon the Netherlands with a.s.r in 2023, Aegon marked the conclusion of phase 1 in its transformative journey. Under the leadership of Lard Friese, CEO of Aegon, the company embarked on a new trajectory in response to evolving financial and economic landscapes. Yet, true transformation is not as simple as redesigning the company logo. It involves both a ‘hard side’ such as creating new revenue streams in markets like China and Brazil and a ‘soft side’ like reshaping the organizational culture to align with the new vision. Lard faces the challenging task of navigating through tough decisions to create an environment conducive to the success of this transformation and achieve the ambitious strategic and financial objectives.
During this Vision Circle, Lard will elaborate on the drivers for Aegon’s large-scale transformation. He will touch upon the overarching purpose of the company, its focused strategy and the changing operating model of the company with headquarters in the Netherlands, an international footprint with its largest business (Transamerica) based in the US, a global asset manager and businesses in Brazil, Spain and Portugal, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK, and a legal seat in Bermuda. He will also address the steps taken to strengthen the company’s risk profile, increase efficiency and operational performance and to emphasize sustainability. After the presentation, there is an opportunity for open discussions with Lard and the other participants. You are most welcome to join!
Location: Restaurant Wilhelminapark, Wilhelminapark 65, 3581 NP Utrecht
17:30 | Start program (including presentation, discussion and a 3-course dinner)
20:30 | End of formal program, opportunity for informal networking
Chief Executive Officers and Supervisory Board Members