Insights in Data

The importance of Insights in Data

Buzzwords like 'Big Data', 'AI & Analytics' and 'Making data work for you’ are here to stay. These terms echo through almost every organisation in all sectors. Yet it remains a challenge for many companies to be truly in control of their data. To come up with actual new business models, which increase operational efficiency or enable (hyper) personalised marketing, data must become a core value of business operations. This requires a good data structure and a new way of working.

At the Flevum “Insights in Data” meetings, companies show how they deal with these challenges and share their lessons learned. This allows you to find out how to make your organisation future-proof through Insights in Data.

  • Data as a core value of business operations
  • Development of new business models
  • Connect the dots between people, technology and operations.

Recent examples of sessions

Do you consider participating in one of our sessions. Be inspired by previous sessions we had the privilege to organise with our partners.

From consumer insights to value & action at Google

During this Virtual Round Table, the participants were included in the steps that can be taken towards a connected business that makes smart use of data applications.

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Hyper personalised customer experience at scale

During this Virtual Round Table it was discussed how organisations can make the step from collecting data to gaining insights to come to concrete actions. One of the most important points was the use of a clear, uniform data strategy and the involvement of internal stakeholders.

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Balancing between innovation and compliance

In the race to transcend the digital transformation, robotic process automation (RPA) is increasingly used. During this Virtual Round Table we discussed how an organisation ensures a balance between innovation and compliance in the field of RPA.

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Because Flevum

When looking for opportunities to share knowledge and experiences with peers in your field of expertise, Flevum offers a variety of programs which allow open dialogue. Our sessions are based on undermentioned key points.


Because we want to ensure open dialogue, our sessions have a small-scaled nature. This way, we allow participants to share experiences and recently faced challenges. The group of participants varies from 10 to 25.


During our sessions, we bring together participants from various sectors and/or industries. This means participants can share their experiences with peers from other sectors and this allows participants to have a meaningful experience.

Practice-oriented speakers

Our sessions are introduced by relevant keynote speakers from top 500 companies, healthcare institutions and government institutions. The speaker presents his or her own vision regarding the subject by sharing experiences. The brief introduction will serve as a prelude to the following discussion.

Peer-to-peer & cross-learning

Our sessions focus on peer-to-peer knowledge exchange with a cross-learning character. This means executives will engage in conversation with other executives, CHRO's with CHRO's, but also IT Directors with Data Directors or Innovation Directors. By screening every application to a session, we make sure that all participants are from the same audience. This allows us to ensure peer-to-peer knowledge exchange.

Chatham House Rule

To ensure open dialogue and allow participants to share succes, challenges and other experiences, our sessions are held within an enclosed environment (the Chatham House Rule applies). To be concrete, this means no recordings will be made during the session and shared information will remain private to participants.

Contact information


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