Unlocking the Future of Data-Driven Manufacturing | Siemens’ Insights on Servitization

March 11, 2025

Nienke Vergeer, Digital Innovation Manager at Siemens, specializes in driving digitalization and innovation within the manufacturing industry. In her presentation, she will explore the link between digitalization and servitization, focusing on the shift from traditional machine building to a data-driven, service-oriented business model. She will demonstrate how digitalization enhances operational efficiency and unlocks new revenue opportunities, such as remote services, output-based contracts, and data-driven decision-making. She will also address the cultural and organizational changes required for success, sharing practical examples and best practices from Siemens' experience.

Nienke Vergeer, Siemens

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Nienke Vergeer

Digital Innovation Manager

Nienke Vergeer is a Digital Innovation Manager at Siemens, specializing in digitalization and innovation within the manufacturing industry. With extensive expertise in areas such as Industry 4.0, cybersecurity, and data-driven technologies, she guides companies through digital transformations and develops Siemens propositions to enable these transitions. Nienke is also the host of The Spark of Industry podcast and is deeply fascinated by the human side of Industry 4.0.



As digitalization transforms industries, the shift towards servitization - where manufacturing companies develop new service-oriented business models, enabled by a data-driven mindset - presents exciting opportunities. How can your company navigate this change and leverage digital technologies to stay competitive?

Nienke Vergeer, Digital Innovation Manager at Siemens, specializes in driving digitalization and innovation within the manufacturing industry. In her presentation, she will explore the link between digitalization and servitization, focusing on the shift from traditional machine building to a data-driven, service-oriented business model. She will demonstrate how digitalization enhances operational efficiency and unlocks new revenue opportunities, such as remote services, output-based contracts, and data-driven decision-making. She will also address the cultural and organizational changes required for success, sharing practical examples and best practices from Siemens' experience.


Location: Restaurant de HFSLG, Bosch en Duin

17:30 | Start program (including presentation, discussion and a 3-course dinner)
20:30 | End of formal program, opportunity for informal networking


Senior executives and directors responsible for strategy, innovation, operations, revenue and business transformation




  • Participants have to meet the previously described target audience.
  • If this session is organized together with partners, Flevum will share all registrations with the partner for final approval.
  • During all our sessions, the Chatham House Rule applies. This means that the participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. This means that no report, no photos and no recordings are made of the meeting. The presentation will also not be distributed to the participants afterwards.

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