From Local to Global | Navigating Digital Transformation and Centralization at Randstad

May 27, 2025

During this Vision Dinner, Erwin van der Meulen, Head of Global Application Management at Randstad share insights from Randstad’s ambitious multi-year digital transformation journey towards a more centralized approach. Having transitioned their vast application ecosystem to the cloud, Randstad is now focused on harmonizing operations across 39 countries. This comes with challenges of dealing with legacy, navigating international rules and regulations, and future-proofing IT operations. Erwin will also dive into workplace harmonisation as one of his use-cases for what centralization entails.

Erwin van der Meulen, Randstad

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Erwin van der Meulen

Head of Global Application Management

Erwin van der Meulen has been a part of Randstad for more than 14 years. Before he started his role as Head of Global Application, Erwin was responsible for the IT operations in the Netherlands as ICT Director. Now, he is globally responsible for enterprise application management.



Randstad’s journey began with a small team led by Frits Goldschmeding, and while the logo on the door may be the same worldwide, the organization itself has undergone profound changes to meet today’s digital demands.

During this Vision Dinner, Erwin van der Meulen, Head of Global Application Management at Randstad share insights from Randstad’s ambitious multi-year digital transformation journey towards a more centralized approach. Having transitioned their vast application ecosystem to the cloud, Randstad is now focused on harmonizing operations across 39 countries. This comes with challenges of dealing with legacy, navigating international rules and regulations, and future-proofing IT operations. Erwin will also dive into workplace harmonisation as one of his use-cases for what centralization entails.

We invite you to join this intimate roundtable discussion to gain valuable insights from Erwin’s experience and to exchange ideas and challenges with a select group of peers. We look forward to welcoming you!


Location: Restaurant de HFSLG, Bosch en Duin

17:30 | Start program (including presentation, discussion and a 3-course dinner)
20:30 | End of formal program, opportunity for informal networking


Leaders in IT, Digital and Technology




  • Participants have to meet the previously described target audience.
  • If this session is organized together with partners, Flevum will share all registrations with the partner for final approval.
  • During all our sessions, the Chatham House Rule applies. This means that the participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. This means that no report, no photos and no recordings are made of the meeting. The presentation will also not be distributed to the participants afterwards.

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