Seaside Dinner 2025

October 2, 2025

Mark your calendars for the fifteenth edition of the annual Seaside Dinner: a festive event for the Flevum network at Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin in Noordwijk. Meet professionals from a range of different fields and toast with us to past, present and future. Program details will follow.


Mark your calendars for the fifteenth edition of the annual Seaside Dinner: a festive event for the Flevum network at Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin in Noordwijk. Meet professionals from a range of different fields and toast with us to past, present and future. Program details will follow.


Location: Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk

17.30 - 22.00 Program details will follow.


Flevum network




  • Participants have to meet the previously described target audience.
  • During all our sessions, the Chatham House Rule applies. This means that the participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. This means that no report, no photos and no recordings are made of the meeting. The presentation will also not be distributed to the participants afterwards.

Contact information


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