Ronald Lotgerink’s Recipe for Sustainable Success: Stronger Together to Provide Food That Matters | Vion: Creating a Sustainable and Innovative Future for Meat

November 27, 2024

In this Boardroom Network, Ronald Lotgerink, CEO of Vion Food Group, will elaborate on Vion’s initiatives and innovative collaborations using new technologies to collect data to enable stakeholders to transparently improve supply chains and meet sustainability goals. He will also address the challenges of catering to a global clientele with diverse sustainability preferences and fostering a long-term view on innovation. After the presentation, there is an opportunity for open discussions with Ronald and the other participants.

Ronald Lotgerink, Vion Food Group

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Ronald Lotgerink


Ronald Lotgerink has been appointed CEO of Vision per 1 September 2018. Lotgerink started his career at KPMG. In 1989 he joined Zwanenberg Food Group as CFO. In 2007 he was appointed CEO at Zwanenberg Food Group. From 2014 – 2018 he was a member of the supervisory board of Vion. Ronald Lotgerink is well versed in the challenges of international meat markets and has extensive experience with branded products, private labels and the meat processing industry.

Vion Food Group

Herman Levert

Director Flevum Corporate Network



As a global meat supplier, Vion Food Group (Vion) recognizes the need to transform and innovate in response to evolving food habits. Ronald Lotgerink, CEO of Vion, emphasizes the importance of sustainable food chains and positions Vion as a pivotal player between almost 60.000 farmers and customers around the globe. Hence, Vion’s strategy is to become stronger together to provide Food that Matters. Working together with farmers and customers in sustainable integrated supply chains, everyone can jointly address important topics such as animal welfare, sustainability or other environmental concerns. Vion utilizes novel blockchain technology to provide trust and transparency among stakeholders and empower consumers with information about product origins and quality.


Location: Nextview Design Thinking Center Eindhoven

17:30 | Start program (including presentation, discussion and a 3-course dinner)
20:30 | End of formal program, opportunity for informal networking


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  • Participants have to meet the previously described target audience.
  • If applicable, our partners will be presented with every application.
  • During all our sessions, the Chatham House Rule applies. This means that the participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. This means that no report, no photos and no recordings are made of the meeting. The presentation will also not be distributed to the participants afterwards.

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