Security in the 21st Century

The world is connected and the speed with which these connections are made is enormous. These developments pose dilemmas and challenges to organisations, citizens, government and society as a whole. After all, digitalisation brings with it new vulnerabilities and the increasing interconnectedness affects the privacy of individuals. On the other hand, digitisation offers opportunities in the field of public order and security. On these subjects, Flevum organised a Vision Dinner with substantive contributions from Patricia Zorko, then Deputy National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security, and Erik Hoorweg, Vice President Capgemini Invent. 

The presentation highlighted the importance of trust for security in a digital society. Erik Hoorweg explained that this trust seems to be disappearing more and more, for example due to misuse of personal data by large social media parties. It was discussed how problematic it can be for public parties to maintain citizens’ trust in public organisations in times when there is little control over what will affect citizens’ trust in public organisations in the near future. This was followed by a presentation by Patricia Zorko, in which she explained that although the Netherlands is leading the way in the digital domain, cooperation between government and business is of great importance in order to continue to position the Netherlands as a digital ‘safe place to do business’. 

After the presentation, Patricia and Erik talked to Directors (Cyber) Security to share challenges, learn from each other, and make connections. Some of the participants were

  • Head of Response Organisation CBRN | RIVM
  • Director of Analysis and Strategy, National Coordinator for Security & Counterterrorism | Ministry of Security and Justice
  • Director of Legislation and Legal Affairs | Ministry of Security and Justice
  • Director | Justis

This session was facilitated by Flevum in collaboration with Capgemini and brought together a variety of individuals in a valuable gathering. 

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