Corporate Venturing as a strategic topic
The energy transition, the digital revolution and the entry of disruptors. Numerous developments mean that companies have to think about their role in the future and think about the sustainability of business models. To transform one can choose to invest in startups and scale-ups in order to get the necessary knowledge in-house. During this Virtual Round Table concrete examples are used to elucidate how organisations can select startups and scale-ups.
Geert has led Shell’s Corporate Venture Capital organisation since 2012 and is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Airborne Oil & Gas. During his presentation, Geert showed how Shell selects startups and scale-ups that ensure that Shell can act at the forefront of the energy transition. He also talked about what the cooperation looks like in practice and what his lessons learned in that respect are.
The following participants were among others present during this session:
- Head of Venturing | Eneco
- Head of Strategy | Essent
- Director Business Development | Lely holding
- COO | Van Oord
This meeting was organised by Flevum in collaboration with partner Quint.
Some responses after the virtual Round table
- Interesting evening! Many people are struggling with the same issues.
- Very instructive, good story and well balanced with practical tips.
- The table has given me new contacts with which I can help shape new initiatives.