Chief Talk “Doing the Right Thing” with Barbara Baarsma & Ynzo van Zanten

Corporate Social Responsibility is important for all organisations as modern companies are aware of their role and impact in society. More and more organisations have structured their business around social sustainability. The only question that remains is how CSR is guaranteed in the broadest sense of the word. How do you deal with growth and the reality of corporate development. These kinds of topics are discussed in this Chief Talk.

During this session, an episode of Chief Talk was recorded, Flevum’s qualitative video show in which two Chiefs discuss a topic from their own experience. In this episode Barbara Baarsma (CEO Rabo Carbon Bank) and Ynzo van Zanten (Chief Evangelist Tony’s Chocolonely) discussed their visions and experiences regarding social responsibility, sustainability and ethical dilemmas. They examine, among other things, reputation, commercial success and innovation. Finally, Barbara & Ynzo asked each other a personal out-of-the-ordinary question. These questions were not known before the recording and ensure an authentic and spontaneous conversation.

During other episodes of Chief Talk, amongst others the following Chiefs participated:

  • Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer | Philips 
  • Chief Digital & Technology Officer | The Heineken Company 
  • CIO | Schiphol 
  • CHRO | Signify 

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