Flevum connects leaders from the top of the business world, public sector and healthcare sector

Flevum is the Dutch executive community of choice, that inspires, connects and unlocks crucial insights and learnings.


Our themes

Flevum organises small-scale network sessions distributed in 11 themes. Within these themes, different perspectives are highlighted, and we always focus on and connect to today’s and especially tomorrow’s most relevant themes.


“Flevum’s sessions have been ‘time well spent’ to executives for years now”.

Jacques Pijl, Owner & Director, Turner

“The quality of Flevum’s Virtual Round Tables is exceptionally high. This includes keynote speakers, participants and organisations”

Ron Grevink, Sr. Marketing Manager Benelux, VMware

“Open discussions in a confidential environment and cross-industry exchange of knowledge and expertise help me to have a fresh approach for various cases.

Vinz van Es, Managing Director, G4S

“Flevum offers a highly professional network that allows us to stay informed on the latest market developments”

André van Troost, CEO, Lely

Flevum bijeenkomst bij ‘t Amsterdammertje in Loenen aan de Vecht met NS en Zeeman. Foto Michel Porro

Connecting companies has been our strong suit since 1999

A network of valuable connections with other organisations, (potential) customers and stakeholders is the benchmark for a successful company. It ensures that you know more quickly what is going on in the market, it helps to identify developments and translate them into your products and services, it increases the speed of innovation and strengthens the ability to respond more quickly to changing demand and market positions. Flevum supports this because ‘connecting companies’ is our passion, our mission.

With our partners we strive to foster valuable connections and together pursue a common goal. We are not only a facilitator of sessions, but an extension of our partner organisations allowing their knowledge and network to expand.


Events P.Y.


Unique speakers



Contact information


Do you wish to be informed about our upcoming sessions? Subscribe to our monthly agenda!